SO CATCHY! (a tribute to Godard’s Le Mepris)

A fashion film by Gsus Lopez x SOCATHY.NET (2016)


Camilla - Charlotte Woolfe

Paula - Hannah Moore


Director Gsus Lopez

DoP Rafael Bujosa

Editor and Colourist Victor Tomi

Production Designer Amaya Valentina

Hair and Make-Up Lilian Komor

Sound Recordist Tiago Morelli

Sound Designer Vicente Villaescusa

Composer Blair Mowat

Production Assistant Viktorija Balankevic


Shoes by Carolin Holzhuber and Jewellery by MAWI

This film is a humble tribute to Jean Luc Godard's 'Le mépris' (1963)


"A homage to Jean Luc Godard’s ‘Le Mepris’, Spanish filmmaker Gsus Lopez’s latest fashion film for So Catchy takes a strong cinematic influence and skews it. Two female lovers are draped in MAWI jewellery, with shoes by Carolin Holzhuber stealing the limelight. Lit beautifully and eerily tender, Lopez captures unrequited love in a brief moment, adding covetable accessories for an ultra-stylish short." - NOT JUST A LABEL (

"SEXY..." - Diane Pernet (

"...Lopez is back with a new short film in collaboration with fashion brand So Catchy, and references the work of Jean Luc Godard. It’s a little bit racy, a little bit mysterious and completely Gsus Lopez." (Pigeons &Peacocks Magazine



DRESSING IDEAS IN FILMS. FASHION AND FILMS II, exhibition of international fashion audio-visuals at Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, Spain


So Catchy: FASHION + FILM with Raul Rosillo and Gsus Lopez screening and Q&A, in Sevilla, Spain